Shadstone Expansion to Thailand

Shadstone Limited is a Hong Kong company registered back in 2008 and has had a Chinese subsidiary also registered that same year – ten years later and we are making a move to Thailand. Currently in early research stages, we have hired a full time local PA, Puii, to assist in the market research of opening the company and other formalities of the business operations.


What does this mean? We see the trend of more Chinese business owners, as well as business owners throughout Asia, re-allocate their operations out of Mainland China. We see more and more of our audience (via Global From Asia blog) moving out of China. Many are going to various countries in Southeast Asia and we ourselves have picked Thailand as our hub.


Our team is online based, and that will stay the same, but there may be more expansion of events, business development initiatives, and strategic partners and investments in the Thailand market.


If you are a company looking to invest in Thailand, we have a growing network of resources for you. Stay tuned for more updates, and to learn the best practices of business in Hong Kong, China, Asia, and more – tune in always to our podcast or read our business education blog at


Shadstone is excited to have its own dedicated blog to share about:

  • New expansion initiatives
  • New job opportunities
  • New investment opportunities
  • Our portfolio company updates and milestones

And so much more!


To the moon!

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